As a university lecturer, it is incredibly rewarding to teach and train the next generation of scientists, and as the saying goes, “it takes a village”; none of the work I do would be possible without the tireless efforts of the many students who have helped keep the research going over the years. Click below to meet some of my students from 2021 to the present!
kristy adaway
Kristy Adaway (right) joined the team in 2021 as a research intern for The British Carnivore Project after completing her BSc at the University of Hull. She is now one of my PhD students on a fully-funded scholarship, examining the relationships between psychological traits in wild British carnivores and how those traits influence human-wildlife conflict and public attitudes within the context of rewilding British landscapes. You can follow Kristy’s work on twitter @KristyAnna9
Aderonke Dawodu
Aderonke Dawodu (left) joined the team in 2022 for her MSc, where she successfully completed her research on novel feeding competition between wild red foxes and other British carnivores. It was a delight working with her, and we wish her the very best in her future!
Dylan Jones
Dylan Jones was a BSc student from the University of Glasgow and joined the team in 2022 to complete his BSc dissertation on the impact of urbanisation on risk perception in wild foxes. He is now one of my PhD students here at the University of Hull on a fully-funded scholarship, investigating the links between animal psychology, public attitudes, and media portrayal of wild European carnivores, particularly red foxes and Eurasian lynx. At present, lynx are extinct here in the UK, but they are frequently discussed within the rewilding community and are therefore highly relevant to the goals and interests of our British Carnivore Project. Stay tuned to find out more about his interesting findings! You can follow Dylan’s work on twitter @DylanJonesBCP
KAThERine sutter
Katherine (“Koko”) Sutter joined the team in 2023 as part of her MSc placement from the University of Stirling. During her placement, she helped us perform media content analyses for red foxes within the UK to find out what people are saying about them, and how this has changed over the years. She is now one of my PhD students here at the University of Hull on a fully-funded scholarship from the Leverhulme Trust, investigating the links between animal psychology, public attitudes, and human-driven climate changes in wild British carnivores. Stay tuned to find out more about these surprising findings! You can follow Koko’s work on twitter @KokoSutter
ALICE turner
Alice Turner joined the team in 2021 as part of her MSc placement from the University of Stirling. She was instrumental in helping us collect data in the Stirling and Glasgow areas for The British Carnivore Project. Having been inspired by her placement with us, Alice is now completing a fully-funded PhD at the University of Stirling on the behavioural impacts of urbanisation on wild beavers in Scotland. We are so excited to see her results and wish her the very best in her future!
ESZTER jardan
Eszter Jardan joined the team in 2021 as part of her MSc placement from the University of Stirling. She was instrumental in helping us collect data in Edinburgh and surrounding areas for The British Carnivore Project, and even won an award from her department for all the work she’s done!
ELLIE-MAE norrie
Ellie-Mae Norrie joined the team in 2021 after completing her BSc at the University of Hull. She worked as one of our research interns for The British Carnivore Project, and helped us collect data throughout Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. She’s now working as a technician at Bishop Burton College, but hopes to rejoin our team soon for a PhD on the impact of urbanisation on peoples’ general well-being and attitudes towards wildlife, including (of course) British carnivores!
SOPHIE tait & JOSH chatterton
Sophie Tait and Josh Chatterton joined the team in 2021 as research interns and helped collect data throughout Yorkshire for The British Carnivore Project. Sophie completed her BSc dissertation with us, looking at the effects of urbanisation on wild fox and badger neophobia and exploration. She recently returned to do a fully-funded MSc at the University of Hull, with me as her supervisor, and will investigate how to use artificial intelligence to code fox behaviour from our trail cameras, which will hopefully make data analysis a whole lot easier!
LOUISE grunNill
Louise Grunnill joined the team in 2022 as a research intern for The British Carnivore Project after completing her BSc at the University of Hull. She helped us pilot some of the methods we are currently using for a study we are doing on risk perception in wild foxes, and she helped us collect data on mammal densities for an on-going collaboration with Snapshot Europe at the Max Planck Institute in Germany.